Earlier, The Lancet shared the results of global research in the field of food-related deaths, which noted that in 2017, every fifth death is caused by malnutrition and Uzbekistan is in first place in death due to malnutrition.
And according to the BBC, health experts concluded that Uzbek national dishes have a lot of useful properties.
Located along the Great Silk Road, Uzbekistan is a country where there was an exchange of goods and ideas with other states. This made it possible for the country to develop: amazing mosaics, handicraft products, art samples and, especially, dishes are proof of this, says a BBC article on Uzbek cuisine.
“If some dishes are rich in meat, then others consist of flour, rice, vegetables and spices. From these ingredients, Uzbek cooks prepare dishes, one more surprising than the other - from dumplings to kebabs, ”the source said.
The article also states that recipes of Uzbek dishes in each region are individual. The most famous dishes are samsa, lagman, norin, shurva, kуbab, manti, pilaf and patyr.
“By the 8th century, the spread of the Islamic religion began here and the number of mosques and madrassas in cities increased. Bukhara was important and was considered the center of education, where scientists from all over the Muslim world gathered to exchange ideas. It was in such an environment that Uzbek cuisine began to develop. The movement of merchants around the world along the Great Silk Road led to an amazing result. Today in Uzbek national cuisine we can see the impact of Turkish, Kazakh, Uigur, Mongolian, and other cultures.
The article also notes that pilaf is given as the most famous national dish of Uzbekistan, it is cooked at all holidays and on special days.
As gastroenterologist Lola Abdurakhmanova emphasized, the problem is not in national dishes, but in the lifestyle of the Uzbek people. According to the expert, for people working all day long, Uzbek dishes are useful, the main thing is to consume in moderation.
“Health problems arise in three cases: excessive eating, a sedentary lifestyle, and a lack of variety on the menu,” she said.